These are the messages that were made in our previous Visitors Book.
To see the new Visitors Book, click here .

Sunday 03/12/2000 0:02:56am Leonard Simpson leonard.simpson [AT] Saw your post in N Ireland excellent and informative site
Saturday 02/12/2000 6:01:54am akjesani [AT] Yahoo! India Sir, We are the reputed Contractors in India, dealing in MASTIC ASPHALT works on various surfaces like Rly plateforms, Road over bridges, Flyovers and many industrial units.Please send me latest MIXDESIGNS for Mastic asphalt, Road works etc.Thank youAmir Jesani

Tuesday 28/11/2000 1:00:23pm Brian Aldridge Brian.Aldridge [AT] Just Surfed On In Britain Very useful - really liked the animated sections for paving etc. Thanks
Monday 27/11/2000 5:00:56pm karen roden kroden [AT] Altavista United States Do you have any suggestions. I just installed some concrete pavers around my pool which curves. I have two questions. 1. The concrete around the pool affects the way the paver can sit level with the rest of the patio. Can I trim the concrete around the pool or is this necessary for the stability of the pool. If cutting the concrete around the pool is not an option is there a way to thin out the concrete paver? 2. What is the best way to cut the pavers so they fit perfectly into the curve. They are a slightly different elevation than the lip of the pool surface Any help you can give will be much appreciated.

Saturday 18/11/2000 5:05:01am Santosh Bhat santosh [AT] Other Search Engine Australia This site has been very useful for giving me some ideas on what i can do, and how im supposed to do that.Thanks. Searched from Google.
Wednesday 15/11/2000 8:48:08pm Nick Cope Ange265 [AT] Just Surfed On In Stoke On Trent, UK just interested in seeing what youve got - only recently had email so still learning. We do paving and general construction work ourselves.

Monday 13/11/2000 8:21:57pm Mark Albion albions [AT] Other Just a quick letter to say that your site was very helpful in the drainage side of things. I had been looking for information on Drainage in the garden Eg: Land Drainage and Soakaways, I found the information on the page to be exactly what i was looking for. Your site is one of the best i have found yet, it is a credit to you and the contributors. Ps:- Keep up the good workYours Sincerly,Mark Albion.
Monday 13/11/2000 12:17:53am Roger Parr rogermparr [AT] Other Search Engine England Invaluable access to detailed yet understandable information.You have given me the grounding to enable me to confidently select a contractor to tarmac my drive, and saved me from the navvies!!

Sunday 12/11/2000 8:00:12am Mr Chris Stanley chrisandfaye [AT] Just Surfed On In UK Very useful thankyou as I am just starting a paved patio area but without much experience.I have read books and leaflets but your info is by far the most informative.Congratulations and best wishes to you all.Regards Chris Stanley.
Saturday 04/11/2000 5:20:27pm John Gibson panel-fix [AT] Yahoo! UK I manufacture a range of fencing accessories please telephone me on 0161 288 3352 for further information or e-mail me.RegardsJohn

Sunday 29/10/2000 9:23:43am Jim Whiteford jawjaw [AT] Other Search Engine U.K. excellently put together web site , the content of which has been tremendously helpful
Thursday 26/10/2000 6:45:58pm Don Guerland don.guerland [AT] Just Surfed On In USA-San Francisco Int'l Airport You settled a bet as to the definition of "Tarmac"!!!

Wednesday 18/10/2000 7:52:52pm Mark mark [AT] Saw your post in uk.rec.gardens England I have just started my own company (PaveYourWay , now in our second week of trading) in Stevenage Herts after years sub contracting and saw one of your posts in rec.gardens (wheelbarrow thread). Getting to the point I would just like to say what a fantastic site you have collated, infact it has driven me to sign my very first guest book and I have been on the net since buying my first PC a 286 12 mhz.Anyway keep up the good work and remember knowledge is power.Regards,Mark
Wednesday 18/10/2000 2:02:13pm joanne l shelly joanne [AT] Yahoo! usa great organizationgood informationi wish you had a contact phone number

Saturday 14/10/2000 12:48:19am adrian adrian.reeves [AT] Yahoo! Scotland Really good and informative site. Praise to all that have worked on it.
Friday 13/10/2000 3:15:08pm adinpu adinpu [AT] Just Surfed On In India Nice to go through your website Lots of Thanks to the developer May his further be a sucessful and nice one.

Wednesday 11/10/2000 3:44:13pm Steve Morley S.morley [AT] Just Surfed On In UK Great Site loads of infoThanks
Saturday 7/10/2000 12:43:03am Richmal richmal [AT] Bardd Educational Yahoo! Wales, UK Brill! You have saved me money - for which I thank you and bless you - we've been trying to landscape and have been badly served by an alledged landscaper! But your splendid site is helping us redeem our budget...excellent information.

Wednesday 4/10/2000 6:35:03pm Peter Nelson peternelson [AT] Yahoo! Ireland i am a paving contractor,thankyou its everything i need to now about paveing
Wednesday 4/10/2000 1:49:34pm David Brooke-Durrant dbd [AT] Other Search Engine England I am thinking about having my driveway paved, and I found all the information very useful, many thanks

Wednesday 27/9/2000 11:28:06pm gary clarke grc_uk [AT] Altavista uk excellent advice on land drainage. Thanks a lot
Mike Nash Other Search Engine 2000-09-20 19:23:02 Just had a thought. It would be very useful if each subject was downloadable so they can be printed off. They can then be referred to when doing the job, looking for materials etc.

Mike Nash CartoonPeople Other Search Engine UK 2000-09-20 19:10:58 Excellent! Just what I need to lay blocks. I'm not much of a gardener so your site is going to be an great help. Thank you very much.
Diarmaid McGleenan Yahoo! USA (Formerly N Ireland) 2000-09-20 18:50:31 Great site! Just what the doctor ordered!

Rob Nicholson Just Surfed On In England 2000-09-19 21:18:39 What an excellent site. Thank you for the time and trouble you have gone to to present this detailed information on the web.
wayne wood Recommended by a friend england 2000-09-09 09:03:49 very interesting site i spent a long time surfing your site the information was good. YOU WERE RECOMMENDED TO ME VIA THE GARDEN EXPERT WEB SITE. I will be coming back here lots of times i think.

Kevan Chapman Other Search Engine England 2000-09-06 18:00:31 Excellant site
Alan Frampton Altavista UK 2000-08-30 12:45:46 Damn! I wish I found this site BEFORE I did all of my paving - learning things the hard way. Thankfully I'll be able to use your jointing advice. What a great site!Alan

Pete Rowland Just Surfed On In uk 2000-08-28 08:36:17 Superb web site. Very useful advise....I've added it to my favourites
Arthur Vidgeon Hoo St.Werburgh Bellringers Saw your post in uk.rec.gardens UK 2000-08-26 14:46:51 Comments:Excellent site. I'll be using it a lot in the next few weeks.

David Eastall Just Surfed On In Australia 2000-08-25 02:42:37 Fantastic site
Jane Taubman Other UK 2000-08-24 12:11:22 Lots of good information here, and easy to follow for a non DIYer Like me

Michael Whitehouse The Home Page of WebWriteUK Altavista England 2000-08-22 11:37:40 Outstanding site. Easy to use and the information is provided is excellent. Keep up the good work.
peter Just Surfed On In UK 2000-08-14 21:01:26 enjoyed surfing through the site. Easy to follow, well set out and extremely informative.

sylvia bateson Lycos england 2000-08-14 14:00:39 excelent site full of information
viking Just Surfed On In uk 2000-08-14 08:27:49 outstanding site,what can i say,very extensive indeed. i would like to see more topics coverd on your site,ie:- ponds,more landscaping etc. but the site offers vast info on a wide range of topics, i am very impressed indeed. keep up the good work.

PETER VIVIAN Yahoo! U.K. 2000-08-10 18:21:04 Normally I am looking for scientific web-sites but I want a driveway contractor so I looked for one on the Web - and found you! You have done an incredible job, one of the best sites I have ever seen on ANY subject, my most warm congratulations. I still have not found a contractor but I am in a much better position to spot a cowboy. Very many thanks indeed Best Regards Peter G.L.Vivian
r.Jackson Saw your post in England 2000-08-07 20:57:21 A wonderful web site, very well laid out and with a great deal of very useful information.Thank you !

Richard Coles Other UK 2000-08-07 13:46:41 Well Done - 1st class site with lots of good reference material.
Deon van Vuuren Just Surfed On In South Africa 2000-08-06 14:02:37 Excellent

linda jackson Other good old England 2000-08-01 09:42:00 I think this is the most useful site I have ever come across. Well to see a lot of hard work has gone into it and I would like to thank you for all the help it has given me with helping set up my sons new Patio business
Howard R.Hansen Saw your post in other USENET group US 2000-07-31 00:52:13 Very Informative site. I wish all companies would put up a web site as useful, informative and as well organized asyours.Howard R. Hansen

mick topham Other uk 2000-07-29 14:55:01 Excellent site! All the information I needed to complete my driveway-thanks!
Jo Ann McDonagh Just Surfed On In United States (Missouri) 2000-07-28 22:34:58 Thank you for a lot of useful information on building a brick sidewalk for the front of our 100 year old home.

michael koay Just Surfed On In malaysia 2000-07-26 04:19:19 my company is dealing in hardlandscape & other stone&pebbles work.I am interest in your products.Please advise us how we can work together. thank you
KEITH MORRIS Just Surfed On In ENGLAND 2000-07-22 11:27:18 FANTASTIC SITE

Jamie McHarg Yahoo! Scotland 2000-07-13 22:03:23 A Fantastic site. I have just finished block paving my drive and am very pleased with the end result. The information I got from the site and by E-mail was excellent. Thank You.
Andrew Hills Just Surfed On In uk 2000-07-10 15:46:28 What a fantastic site ! I am about to start my drive way using block pavers and the information contained in your pages will save me a lot of time in trail and error. Just great

brett reutzel Other Search Engine usa 2000-07-08 01:12:42 thank you for your quick response to my inquiry. i am certain i will have more as i begin my project
david weill expertgardener Other UK 2000-06-29 09:13:17 Great site - very fast and clean!

Marie Hutchinson Other Search Engine Ireland 2000-06-18 03:19:27 Excellent web site, very detailed and informative will visit again.
Alan Thomas Lycos England 2000-03-05 14:45:02 Thank you for a very informative site. I can now argue with some authority with the cowboys trying to sell me a new drive.

Piers Landmann Saw your post in other USENET group England 2000-06-12 12:32:32 I thought this was an impressive website when I first saw it, but now that I am actually having a drive made for my house I have found it absolutely brilliant. It's easy to navigate, literate, and wonderfully informative. The best website I have ever encountered!
William Walker Lycos ENGLAND 2000-06-09 19:26:35 Very easy to use / learn, most helpful

Steven Durbidge Altavista uk 2000-06-09 13:54:12 A really excellent site, the best I've visited. The information provided is very useful and presented in a clear and detailed manner. Thanks very much, if all sites were like yours, the internet would replace the reference book!
Craig taylor Other Search Engine UK 2000-06-09 12:09:58 Excellent site & very informative. I can now coomence my block hard standing area with some confidence.

Marty Crouch Other Search Engine USA - Griffin, Georgia 2000-06-07 18:53:03 I found your site to be very informative and easy to navigate. You have great facts. I'm just sorry you're not in Atlanta, GA.
Dave Brend Other Search Engine England 2000-06-04 15:23:32 Excellent web page valuable information resource for the professional and DIY er.

Mark B Altavista UK 2000-06-04 11:38:54 What an excellent web site... such a professional presence on the internet is an excellent advert for your design skills.
Julian Yeo Altavista U.K. 2000-05-30 21:25:44 I stumbled on this site some time ago while looking for paving knowhow and think it's brilliant. Sites like this this are what the internet is for.

Russ Armstrong Just Surfed On In england 2000-05-25 03:32:58 An excelent and informative site, thank you!
John Evans Other Search Engine England 2000-05-13 20:43:05 Thank you for this very comprehensive information - all laid out on a very attractive, clear and easily used site. I was thinking of doing the job myself - restoring or replacing an existing 2 car domestic driveway of concrete slabs plus 1 car on the lawn - and now realise a contractor would perhaps be the more sensible option!! I shall start nosing round the neighbourhood for completed jobs to find myself a contractor. Thanks again for your information, and wisdom!! Best wishes, John ps found you via '' under 'block+paving'

Gerry McErlean Just Surfed On In Northern Ireland 2000-05-10 22:08:35 What a brilliant web-site. Loads of useful and interesting information, well organised and very colourful.
maurice whelan Recommended by a friend ireland 2000-05-07 11:38:48 great site.well laid out,and easy to follow.i have been working as a blockpaver in Germany for the last 10 years.some of our specs. are different(mainly sub base depths,due to harsh winters),but the general idea is the same!anyway,your site makes very interesting reading.keep up the good work. regards,m

Stephen McLuckie Other Search Engine UK 2000-05-02 12:08:04 A truly useful and informative site. Just one suggestion - I can't find your address!!!
Dave Higgs Other Search Engine UK 2000-05-01 22:20:13 Excellent site. Just moved to the North West, No local knowledge or building knowledge and want a patio. All the information I need to prevent me getting my fingers burnt. Thanks for all your help. I wish there were more "honest" sites like yours

keithHilton Other Search Engine UK 2000-04-24 12:00:19 Just the info I needed for getting to grips with the pergola my wife has been hassling me for.
Laurence Parker Just Surfed On In uk 2000-04-20 08:33:01 very useful information and advice - Thanks!

Julian Scott Just Surfed On In United Kingdom 2000-04-19 16:28:38 At last!!! an informative and clear site. Many, many thanks.
Philip Bateson Altavista England 2000-04-19 14:06:41 A Crackin' Website!I'm a young lad who owns a property, but dosen't have much knowledge of the building trade. (I'm a marine engineer) -Thankyou.

Mick Other Search Engine uk 2000-04-17 20:47:24 excellent tips. excellent diagrams. thank you. wish you much success.
Ann Altavista England 2000-04-16 16:38:34 Was just looking for ideas for patios and found your page. Very detailed but easy to follow. I will certainly re-visit for more information. Thank you

Sally Knapp Saw your post in uk.rec.gardens Scotland 2000-04-14 07:08:44 Tony, I've just started out a new career in garden design and your comments and site are an inspiration. Keep up the good work.Sally
mark harris Just Surfed On In england 2000-04-09 21:03:02 the site is great.ive learned lots of tips keep it up.......

KIRK THOMPSON Just Surfed On In USA 2000-04-08 19:42:19 My compliments on your site. Im going to build a patio this summer and stopped by for ideas. your site will be a big help. Thanks.
philip harvey Lycos England 2000-04-02 13:16:10 Great site! Thankyou for all the help and advice given, excelent! Phil Harvey.

Dan Yahoo! England 2000-03-31 09:11:30 This is a good site well done
Mr J F Eade Just Surfed On In UK 2000-03-22 22:26:23 I found your website of interest in planning a new patio - generally confirmed what I already knew, but added confidence before starting.

Mark vasey Other uk 2000-03-20 14:30:05 A totally amazing site! Really well laid out, everything one needs to know about any type of paving/ driveway.You have taken an immense amount of time and trouble with this site. Comparing it to many big and successful national company sites,(with massive budgets) it is way ahead in content, layout, and all round ease of use!Keep up the fantastic work. Many thanks Ps: I got the link to your site from selfbuilder [AT] homes, when you mailed a driveway question I had. I will be mailing selfbuilder [AT] homes to tell everyone about you!
Robert Kidd Lycos N.Ireland 2000-03-19 21:51:12 Thinking about laying a patio.Been very helpful,Cheers.

Sundeep Other Search Engine England 2000-03-18 12:45:06 HI it was interesting to see how the blocks are laid
Paul Gloster Altavista England 2000-03-12 19:54:32 I read your page before embarking on a very small project and i feel that the information given in your page was excellent and i am sure that my first attempt at block paving would not have been half as good without your guidance. Thanks very much.

NIGEL GRIFFITHS Just Surfed On In uk 2000-02-27 17:50:51 very useful and thank you
Alison Mair Saw your post in uk.rec.gardens UK 2000-02-27 16:40:30 Lurk regularly in urg. Saw your post about drainage (a subject hotly debated in our house) and came here. Fantastic site! Bookmarked for future ref.

George McGhee Other Search Engine U.K. 2000-01-22 20:29:39 I live in Suffolk, do you know any good local contractors. I like your page, very well done. Im also "off the tools due to an accident in 1983" Regards George

martin wisbey Other Search Engine uk 2000-01-16 21:39:54 What a brilliant and informative site. I came looking for tarmac prices to help sort a problem (boss gets quote of £30 to fill 2 holes tinkers now asking £4050) I spent so long looking at block paving etc that I almost forgot my reason for calling in. I will be back as the tips you gave have inspired me to start a long planned block drive. I am now armed with the extra knowledge to give a great finish to the job. Best site I have seen 4 a long time, congratulation! I just hope my drive is half as good.Martin.
phil Just Surfed On In uk 2000-01-15 23:03:24 Great site. Being in the trade found it great for reference

Mick Price Yahoo! England 2000-01-11 16:57:22 What a brilliant, helpful and informative site. The web is full of useless drivel, and it's really refreshing to find something as useful as this. Many thanks. I'm sure your advice will help me enormously in picking a supplier / contractor. Mick
Doug Packer Other England 2000-01-07 10:33:22 Brilliant site!

nic brown Just Surfed On In uk 2000-01-02 19:56:43 Excellent - I had been surfing for 30 mins on how to clean my patio and you answered it.
martin colvill Other Search Engine england 2000-01-02 19:43:43 Great site, one of the best laid out web pages I have come accross, I needed some help on block paving and found a whole bunch more useful info, being a landscape gardener I will use this site as a point of reference more and more.

KEN Just Surfed On In ENGLAND 2000-01-02 13:56:58 RESEARCHING "A" LEVEL PROJECT
Richard Alderson Other England 1999-12-25 17:54:52 Hi! Tony just dropped in for a noseyYour sister Lil Sheridan said to 'have a look' after receiving a letter from your son Anthony.Message from all 'Happy Millennium'

Gordon Stringer ACO Drain Just Surfed On In UK 1999-12-21 14:10:08 Excellent and easy to understand information on paved area drainage. I came across this site whilst checking out 'drainage opportunities' for my employer - ACO!
Dominic Bentley Just Surfed On In UK 1999-12-13 15:38:04 Just surfing looking for info about patios/drives - what a find! May I compliment on one of the best web sites I have ever come across. Informative, readable and fun - many thanks!Dominic ;~)

F.P. Chung Saw your post in other USENET group Hong Kong, China 1999-12-13 10:26:29 A very informative homepage. Well done!
chris wilmer Just Surfed On In UK 1999-12-11 17:24:39 Very useful information on Land Drainage. ust what I was looking for with good diagrams and lots of information.

John Crosbie Other Search Engine Scotland 1999-12-01 00:09:31 Thank you for an excellent web page. This information is priceless and invaluable. A great effort and inspiration to produse my own pageJohn Crosbie of Caisteal Masonry
American Paving and Excavating Corp. Just Surfed On In United States 1999-10-15 03:48:25 Web site is very nice. I wished I lived closer - beautiful homes - great pictures.

Sam Hassall Saw your post in other USENET group UK 1999-09-29 08:00:07 Very interesting page. I write books and articles (Spons)on landscape costs. I may wish to refer to your page in the future. We also specify and tender external works contracts. Please send me your hard copy card or brochure.Sam Hassall
KIM YUN KEUM Yahoo! KOREA 1999-08-03 08:41:04 (sorry. Iam not good at English) nowdays I studying porous paving. your hompage is very beneficail to my study. 'Reinfored grass paving' is what I have sought. I need construction process of 'Reinfored grass paving'. I am finding about that. If you could help me I am happy./font>

Techcon Supaseal Yahoo! United Kingdom 1999-07-21 23:26:14 Interesting, helpful & very informative. We have the best sealer by far in the U.K which is suitable for P.I.C & block paving. If you are interested please contact John on 01405 839678 for more details - you will be pleasantly surprised
Andy M Just Surfed On In UK 1999-07-16 18:57:55 Thanks for your help recent e-mailed response to my drainage questions. I have finished the job and could never have done it without your help. What a great site! I am now starting on a block paving project for my patio. If it wasnt for this site it would be plain boring grey slabs!

Ron Bloom Saw your post in other USENET group USA 1999-05-19 21:30:20 What a wonderful site.Being a Plumbing Contractor, I am not involved very much in paving and drainage, however, I could not help but be impressed with the scope of your site and have added it to my favorites. The information is almost too voluminous to view in one sitting. But it is presented in such a comprehensive and easy to read and understand manner, anyone should be able to make the most of the site.Again, congratulations on a great site.
Steph Yahoo! uk 1998-12-20 17:33:07 Brilliant response, sent a query and received an answer within the hour!