1st coat: Thin, clear, petrol-like liquid, quite splashy
2nd coat: +1:22 hrs Strong petrol odour, coats easily
The thin viscosity makes this quite a drippy, splashy product to use, so care is required to avoid accidental splashes (as happened with this sample).
A definite colour enhancement but one that seems to have weathered somewhat over the trial period. However, it's still apparent and has had a marked impact in keeping the sample cleaner than might have been the case if left untreated. There is some algae colonisation on the right-hand, untreated side of the sample, but the treated section remain unaffected.
A strong-performing, solvent-based sealant that meets most, if not all, of the expectation of many users.
Stain Trials:

Ah well! You can't have it all. A good perfomance in visual improvement and protection from greenery, but when it comes to stain protection, it's just not performed at all.
Only the Indian Ink has washed away. The greases (Oil and Fat), the wine and the mosskiller have each left permanent and disfiguring marks and that has to be regarded as a disappointment.
Note: Any apparent variation in colour of the flagstone is due solely to changes in the condition of the natural daylight at the time the photograph was taken.
Other than cropping to exclude extraneous background and adding a drop shadow to the cropped image, there has been NO post-processing of the original photographs.
Kingfisher K-Seal is available from:

Advanced HD | Advanced Stone Seal | Dry Treat Intensifia | Dry Treat Metacreme Dry Treat Stain Proof | Dry Treat Stain Proof v2 | Easy Seal Col Enh | Easy Seal Ultimate Funcosil OFS | Hanafin Finisha | K-Seal | Larsen | Lithofin Col Int | Lithofin Stain Stop Eco Lithofin Stain Stop Plus | LTP Col Enh | LTP Nat Fin | LTP Matt | Pavetuf | Resiblock Indian Romex Col Enh | Vulcaseal 277 | Vulcaseal 286 | Weiss FT Plus | Weiss Stain Protect