New lifting aids from Probst
Those clever people at Probst have been focussing their energies on two lifting tasks that are normally problematic for paving contractors: large paving flags/slabs with a decorative of riven finish, and multi-size block laying in courses. And now, they proudly present their proposed solutions: the SH 1000 Super-Jet and the MSP7 Multi-Suction Plate
The SH 1000 Super Jet has been specifically designed to lift porous or decorative flags and slabs weighing up to a hefty 1,000kg that previously could not be handled by conventional vacuum lift devices. The kit comes in two formats: a hydraulic version that can be attached to most excavators and, after linking up the hoses, can be operated from the driver's cab, and a petrol-engined version for machine-independent use.

Meanwhile, the MSP 7 is a versatile vacuum lifting tool that can be set-up to lift pavers with awkward/uneven surfaces or to lay courses of multi-size pavers, and all thanks to the multiple vacuum heads (it should come as no real surprise to learn there are seven of them, hence the stunningly original name!)
The MSP 7 is attached to a suitable lifting engine: in the case study provided by Probst, it was used with the ever-reliable JM 150b Jumbo Mobile, and, as shown in the pictures, was used to lift and lay a cluster of five heavy 100mm thick pavers: 3 @ 300mm, 1 @ 360mm and 1 @ 180mm - at 180mm wide, that's almost 1½ linear metres or 0.26m² per lift, a back-breaking 65kg per lift. As anyone who has ever been daft enough to attempt to hand-lay 100mm pavers will tell you, any machine that can take the weight off your wrist has got to be a god-send!

The press release for these products has come directly from Germany, complete with comedy translated text, but the local distributors in Britain and Ireland should be able to provide all the information you could possibly want, including the all important prices.

In Britain: Probst Handling UK - Shropshire - T: 01939 235325

In Ireland: Haven Engineering - Naas - T: 045 871444