1st coat: Thin, clear, volatile liquid, but not too splashy. Medium odour
2nd coat: +1:13 hrs Excellent coverage, applies without a hitch
The natural colour of the sandstone was definitely intensified at first, and it lasted through the winter, but the bright sunlight of summer seems to have diluted its impact and, by the end of the trial in September, it really wasn't very intense at all.
Having said that, the product did manage to keep the stone looking fairly spick and span right through the trial. The final photo shows how the algae affecting the untreated right-hand side has barely trouble the treated section on the left.
Repeat treatment may well keep the colour looking intense, but is just 12 months (OK: 14 months) a long enough service life for what is a relatively expensive product?
Stain Trials:

Like too many other products in this trial, the engine oil and BBQ fat have revealed an inherent weakness: an inability to deal with greases. Even the wine has left a faint mark, so the staing resistance powers of this candidate are pretty poor.
Bonus points, though, for withstanding the mosskiller.
If colour enhancement or intensification is all that's required, maybe regular 'topping-up' of the sealnt is a price worth paying, but if stain resistance is also required, the temptation would be to look at alternative Lithofin products.
Note: Any apparent variation in colour of the flagstone is due solely to changes in the condition of the natural daylight at the time the photograph was taken.
Other than cropping to exclude extraneous background and adding a drop shadow to the cropped image, there has been NO post-processing of the original photographs.
Lithofin Colour Intensifier is available from:

Advanced HD | Advanced Stone Seal | Dry Treat Intensifia | Dry Treat Metacreme Dry Treat Stain Proof | Dry Treat Stain Proof v2 | Easy Seal Col Enh | Easy Seal Ultimate Funcosil OFS | Hanafin Finisha | K-Seal | Larsen | Lithofin Col Int | Lithofin Stain Stop Eco Lithofin Stain Stop Plus | LTP Col Enh | LTP Nat Fin | LTP Matt | Pavetuf | Resiblock Indian Romex Col Enh | Vulcaseal 277 | Vulcaseal 286 | Weiss FT Plus | Weiss Stain Protect