News And Views
A blog and news service run by site owner and general factotum, Tony McCormack, covering news of general importance to the paving and hard-landscaping trades, reviews of brochures, press releases and websites of interest, reports on visits to trade events and shows where paving plays an important role, and just about anything else that needs talking about.
Pavestone's 2022 Brochure
We’re at the peak of the new season and all the paving manufacturers are at maximum effort to promote their wares. Pavestone’s new brochure for 2022 sets out their stall for the rest of this year and beyond, but how useful is it?

BuildPave's New Outlet
A new outlet for BuildPave - design, supply and installation of paving and landscaping in North-West England

Bradstone Brochure 2022
After taking a sabbatical last year, thanks to The Plague, Bradstone return with a new brochure for 2022, picking up more-or-less exactly where they left off back in 2020, when terms such as “furlough”, “lockdown”, and “anti-vax” would have required explanation.

Paving Stones Direct Brochure 2022
Covid put paid to regular brochure reviews, but now they're back and first up is online supplier, Paving Stones Direct based in leafy Worksop.

MKM Landscaping Trade Days
The ideal chance to catch-up with major suppliers to the hard landscaping and drainage trades

Futurescape 2021
The return, after two years, of Futurescape, the show widely regarded as the most relevant for the Landscaping Trade in Britain and Ireland. New venue, some new faces, but how did it all work out? Was the promotion to ExCel a step too far?

Landscape Event 2021
Trade shows disappeared completely during lockdown, but now they are arising, phoenix-like, as we take another step towards what's claimed to be normality. But are they what the trade needs right now? This review looks at the first significant post-lockdown trade show for the hard-landscape industry The Landscape Event at Birmingham's NEC.

BS 7533 - Launch of Part 101
Long regarded as the "bible" for the paving trade, BS 7533 is undergoing major revision and the first part, covering design, is now available. Read more about BS 7533-101 here....

Interlay no more
The independent voice of paving installers and contractors for four decades, Interlay announced last Friday (April 9th , 2021) that it is to cease operations immediately. What happened?

Pavestone's futuristic brochure
How can paving and hard-landscaping be presented and sold in an age when ever greater numbers of customers are stuck at home or choosing to do everything online? Pavestone's clever -e-brochure points one of the ways forward....

Stone Paving Supplies and SmartStone awards
The daffodils are beginning to show so it must be Awards Season in the paving trade! And the results are in from Britain's Stone Paving Supplies and South Africa's SmartStone...

BS 7533 Revised - Your Views needed!
BS 7533 has been the backbone for the paving trade for almost 30 years and it has served us amazingly well, but it's been revised and now it needs input from those most affected by!

Steintec Utility Case Study - Participants Required
Could you be interested in helping out with an all new case study for bedding and jointing mortars, and help yourself to FREE mortar in the process? If so, read on.....

Concrete Block Permeable Paving and the Clogging Myth
Chris Griffiths, Engineering Marketing Manager at Marshalls plc, and Tom Emerton, Pavement Engineer at the same organisation, are keen to share some research recently completed regarding the ongoing permeability of CBPP. Hopefully, this will help dispel unfounded myths.

After a while....
The revamped pavingexpert website has been live for around three months now and I thought this might be a good point to stand back and see how it has all worked out.

And after lockdown???
As the world looks towards gradually emerging from the self-imposed bunkers we've inhabited for the past couple of months, what does the future hold for the paving and hard-landscaping trade?

Pavestone Range for 2020
Always one of the annual highlights, and always one to exceed expectations, the new brochure from Pavestone is given the once over in the latest of this season's reviews.

Talasey Landscape Directory 2020
The in-depth perusal of this season's paving and hard-landscaping publications continues with the spotlight falling upon all-rounder Talasey this time - what have the multiple sub-brands got in store for us in 2020?

Global Stone 2020 Brochure Review
The new brochure for a new season from leading supplier Global Stone. Just how good is it?

Bradstone 2020 Brochure Review
Always a pleasure and never a chore, but what has the brand new brochure from leading Paving Manufacturer, Bradstone, got for us in 2020?

NCC StreetScape Training Workshops
Latest news of the series of free training workshops being run by NCC StreetScape in 2020 for the GftK resin jointing mortars

FutureScape 2019
A review of the 2019 FutureScape trade event held at Kempton Park in late November

Landscape Event 2019
An annual exhibition for the wider landscaping industry staged at Battersea Park in London - September 17/18 2019

No News is Good News
An update on progress with the new pavingexpert website