Society of Garden Designers Conference
Nurture, not Nature
From the SGD....
Five internationally acclaimed garden and landscape designers will speak at the Society of Garden Designers’ Spring Conference on Saturday 28 March 2009. Exploring the thought provoking theme “Nurture, not Nature” will be Jinny Blom, Erik Dhont, Ulf Nordfjell, Tim Rees and Roberto Silva.
Jinny Blom ’s projects, all characterised by elegant planting, are mostly in the UK, ranging from contemporary roof terraces to Cotswold gardens and Scottish highland estates.
Flemish landscape designer Erik Dhont ’s practice is centred on Brussels, though he frequently works in Holland, Germany and Switzerland, and is now becoming known in the USA.
Ulf Nordfjell is perhaps best remembered in the UK for his homage to Linnaeus which won Best Show Garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show, 2007.
Tim Rees ’ London based practice Trees Associates is engaged in an international range of projects, including several private gardens in the Mediterranean.
Roberto Silva originates from North-East Brazil; he trained in the UK as a landscape architect, though mostly designs private gardens in London; he has reflected on Brazilian-ness in his book on Roberto Burle-Marx.
The event takes place at Imperial College in that London on Saturday 28 March 2009 and will be chaired by Dublin based landscape designer Hugh Ryan.
Tickets can be purchased from the administration office on 01989 566 695 and there's more information on their website