Free Mortars!
Here’s a plea primarily aimed at all the contractors and installers based in and around NW England, but I don’t mind hearing from those based in less salubrious areas if they have the right sort of project.
Steintec manufacture the industry leading TuffBau bedding and jointing mortars for all sorts of paving projects, but even they will admit that they are more usually regarded as suppliers to commercial, retail and public realm works. That’s true enough: the TuffBau range of mortars is the standard by which all the others seem to judge themselves, and understandably so. It’s damned good stuff!
However, Steintec also manufacture a range of ‘utility’ paving and jointing mortars, which have been developed to better suit the needs of residential patios, driveways and smaller projects. This range has been given the devilishly clever marketing brand name of ‘Steintec Utility’ – stunning, eh?
To raise awareness of this new-ish brand, Steintec have asked pavingexpert to produce a visual guide to the manifold uses and benefits of the Utility mortars and primers.
So…. between us, we are looking for a competent and professional contractor with a smallish (say 20-35m²) patio that they’ll be installing before the end of March which could benefit from the use of the fantastic Steintec bedding and jointing mortars, along with any primers necessary.
To make this offer even more appealing, all the necessary mortars (and primers) will be provided completely free of charge. Think of all the dosh you could save on the cost of the job!
And, as if that wasn’t enough, Steintec will also provide, again at no cost to the lucky contractor, any of the kit needed to get the best out of the mortars. That could include free use of a professional forced action (pan) mixer, a belt cleaner, and any other kit not readily to hand.

We’re not overly fussed whether it’s sandstone, granite, porcelain, limestone, slate or whatever. All we’re looking for is a simple site, nothing too big or too small, happening early Spring, ideally within 50 miles of Warrington, and the full consent of the property owners for us to photograph/video the work.
Naturally, full credit will be given to those that help out and this could be an ideal marketing opportunity for the clued-up contractor looking to link their name to one of the most highly regarded brands in the world of paving.
If you believe you have the right sort of project, get in touch with me as soon as possible….and look out for updates (and the eventual photies/videos) on the website this Spring.