New Website for Althon
OK, so new or improved or re-vamped or re-launched websites don't normally feature in the News section of, but an exception can be made for the new offering from Norwich-based SUDS specialists, Althon , who have just unleashed their all-new web extravaganza and are inviting one and all to take a peek.
What makes this of interest is the fact that Althon are more-or-less devoted to SUDS applications and specialise in providing products that offer creative solutions to SUDS design issues.
So there are fairly routine linear channels, but there are also voided sub-base replacement cells which can be used, for example, as part of a rainwater harvesting system or simply as a soakaway solution for sites with limited space. Then there are geo-textiles, tree surround systems, and even headwalls!
The new site is very "web 2.0 " with its designer boxes and sparse text, but we've all become accustomed to this sort of styling now. The design is clean and logical, and most importantly, it's a doddle to find what it is you're after.

It's worth taking a look at the site because the downloadable literature (PDFs and video) are easily amongst the best yet produced in this particular field and they do make what can be a complex subject seem incredibly simple and straightforward.
As with an increasing number of websites, you have to 'sign up' to be able to download the freebies, which is nowt but a marketing ruse, but to be fair to Althon, they don't bombard you with useless emails twice a day, and what you get in return is well worth it.
The 20-page PDF booklet for "Source Control" is reason enough to log-in and download. It's a great exposition of how these sub-base replacement 'storm crates' can be used beneath paved areas to either comply with the comedy driveway planning regs or just to make best use of available space. The PDF also looks at the other components of what they refer to as the SEL Source Control System.

SUDS has become part of our lives, but the very mention of it scares some contractors, when there's actually nothing to be scared of. Any publication, whether it's a website, a brochure, a video or a PDF that helps to explain the concepts and spread the technology has to be a good trhing, and this new website from Althon is actually a very good thing indeed!