Kitemark Award for Irish Paving Manufacturer
County Tyrone based manufacturer Acheson-Glover are celebrating the fact that they are the first UK Company to be awarded the prestigious BSI Kitemark for their range of paving flags. The award was given in recognition of product quality for the Terrapave Natural Aggregate Flags, and for the excellence of quality management systems employed by the company.

Carl Keogh, Business Development Manager for Acheson & Glover, was presented with the Award by Chris Lewis, Business Area Manager for Construction Products, at a ceremony held in October at the BSI Product Services Headquarters in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.
The BSI Kitemark scheme for concrete paving flags assesses product quality as well as the excellence of quality management systems. To achieve Kitemark certification, A&G's Terrapave Flags underwent independent evaluation by BSI Product Services to ensure they met the required dimensional and performance standards. The Terrapave Flags achieved Class 3 designation [where a specific property value was required] along with Class 4 for abrasion resistance - both of these are the highest that can be attained under the Kitemark testing regime.
The quality management systems at Acheson & Glover's factories were also assessed to ensure they could consistently manufacture products of the highest quality. Following the successful achievement of the Kitemark, an ongoing programme of evaluation and audit testing has also been put in place to ensure these rigorous standards are maintained by the company.
The Kitemark is one of the most respected product quality marks in the world. Recent research shows that 80% of UK consumers recognise the Kitemark as a symbol of quality and safety and 60% of them are prepared to pay a premium for products that carry it.
Elaine Durno, Product Manager for construction products at BSI Product Services, said, .
So pleased that they also bought the product!
So pleased was BSI with the quality and appearance of the Acheson & Glover Terrapave Flags, that they chose them for use in the foyer and main exterior entrance areas of the Product Services Headquarters in Hemel Hempstead.40 square metres of Terrapave Rimini colour flags were used with "Ground" finish specified for general areas and "Textured" for disabled and wheelchair access areas where added foot-grip was felt to be needed.
commented Elaine.

According to Acheson & Glover, Terrapave Flags are made using mechanical vibration/compaction manufacturing processes. They incorporate a 20mm thick surface layer of high quality aggregate so that an attractive, natural stone finish is achieved but without the usual high cost of stone flags. Secondary processing gives a choice of "Textured" or "Ground" surface-finish. Also, as no artificial pigments are added to the mix, the colours maintain their intensity indefinitely.