Many of the other samples had a stage photograph taken one week after initial application. For complicated reasions involving lack of time, necessity to help with care of grandchildren, and general incompetence, this product was accidentally missed out.

1st coat: Thin, watery milk-like liquid which dries very quickly
2nd coat: +1:18 hrs Struggled to bond. Most runs off
It wouldn't be fair to say the LTP Colour Enhancer had no visual impact on the stone, but then, it wouldn't be fair to say it had actually enhanced the colour.
The sealant can actually be seen, just about, and it has certainly kept the stone comparatively clean, but claiming it has 'enhanced' the colour is stretching it just a bit.
Still, if it can keep the stains at bay too......
Stain Trials:

Not brilliant, is it?
The best that can be said is that the mosskiller had little impact, but the four main stains are all still there, to greater of lesser degrees.
Still, it's sold as a Colour Enhancer, not a stain protector, so pay attention to the names manufacturers use. Caveat Emptor, as they say!
Note: Any apparent variation in colour of the flagstone is due solely to changes in the condition of the natural daylight at the time the photograph was taken.
Other than cropping to exclude extraneous background and adding a drop shadow to the cropped image, there has been NO post-processing of the original photographs.
LTP Colour Enhancer is available from:

Advanced HD | Advanced Stone Seal | Dry Treat Intensifia | Dry Treat Metacreme Dry Treat Stain Proof | Dry Treat Stain Proof v2 | Easy Seal Col Enh | Easy Seal Ultimate Funcosil OFS | Hanafin Finisha | K-Seal | Larsen | Lithofin Col Int | Lithofin Stain Stop Eco Lithofin Stain Stop Plus | LTP Col Enh | LTP Nat Fin | LTP Matt | Pavetuf | Resiblock Indian Romex Col Enh | Vulcaseal 277 | Vulcaseal 286 | Weiss FT Plus | Weiss Stain Protect