Pavement Joint Seminar and Demonstration
NCC Streetscape , specialist supplier of construction chemicals and exclusive distributor of the GftK range of pavement jointing mortars, are to stage an 'Open To All' seminar and live demonstration at next month's South West Landscapex show being held at the British Aerospace Works Association (BAWA) leisure facility, at Filton, near Bristol.
The exhibition and associated seminars are taking place on Thursday March 12th, starting at 10am and running through to around 3pm. The venue is clearly signposted just off the A38 (leave Junction 16 of the M5) and there is ample free parking.
The NCC Streetscape presentation is scheduled to start at 1.30pm. In the seminar room, NCC Director, Dave Mackay, will be presenting "The Way Forward in Pavement Jointing Mortars" in the seminar room. This short and entertaining presentation will outline the major problems currently affecting pavement jointing and move on to consider some of the failings associated with the more usual types of jointing materials. Dave will then explain how these issues can often be resolved by the use of the various GftK specialist resin jointing materials.
This will be followed by a live, interactive demonstration of the superfast application of GftK Paving Joint Mortars on a trial panel set up in the car park adjacent to the main Exhibition Area. The demonstration will go ahead whatever the weather, because one notable advantage of these unique materials is that they can be applied in wet weather and at low temperatures - visitors will be able to watch from undercover of course!
Senior demonstrator, Gary Ken, will take up the baton and take the audience through the preparation, application and finishing of the class-leading 850 mortar, inviting anyone interested to try it for themselves and experience just how easy and ergonomic it can be to use these ultra-modern materials.

Contractors, designers, specifiers, architects and anyone interested in this exciting technology are welcome to attend the exhibition as special guests of NCC Streetscape and There will be complimentary tea and coffee plus a buffet lunch provided free of charge for the refreshment of anyone mentioning when they visit the display. Dave and Gary have asked that, if possible, could visitors pre-register by phone, fax or email, so that they can make sure the caterers make up enough butties.
There is more information on these technology-leading products on the NCC Streetscape website , or to discuss your project call Dave or Gary on 01257 266696.
If you'd like to reserve a place at the seminar and exhibition, please pre-register in advance.
However, this is an open event, so feel free to turn up "on spec", if you prefer. There might not be any buffet left for you, but you'll be made more than welcome and I'm sure the lads will manage to find a cup of something warm and wet for you!
South West Landscapex The BAWA Leisure Centre 589 Southmead Road Filton Bristol BS34 7RG