Special Purpose Paving
There are certain forms of paving that serve a special purpose and, usually, provide a function over and above a flat surface. They may be textured for enhanced traction or shaped to give tactile information to visually impaired users. This section looks at what's available.
Special Paving
The term 'Special Paving' refers to paving that performs a function other than simply being a surface to walk upon or drive over. This could be, for example, deterrent paving, safety paving, tactile paving, or any of the other specialised forms that we use to improve the functionality of our outdoor surfaces.

Tactile Paving
Tactile' is the term given to paving units that bear a distinctive, raised surface profile to be detected by both sighted and visually impaired pedestrians. The most common example to be seen are the Tactile pavings used at pedestrian crossings. This page provides an overview of the various types in use.

Surface-Mounted Tactile Paving - Page 1
This section of the website documents the installation of surface-mounted tactile paving to an uncontrolled (ie: no traffic lights) road crossing in Wigan, Lancashire. This is page 1 of 3.
Surface-Mounted Tactile Paving - Page 2
Page 2 of a 3-page section documenting the installation of surface-mounted tactile paving to an uncontrolled (ie: no traffic lights) road crossing in Wigan, Lancashire. This page looks at the mixing of the adhesive and the actual placement of the tiles.
Surface-Mounted Tactile Paving - Page 3
Page 3 of a 3-page section documenting the installation of surface-mounted tactile paving to an uncontrolled (ie: no traffic lights) road crossing in Wigan, Lancashire. This final page documents the finishing work and provides links to further sources of information.