NCC StreetScape announce Training Dates and Venues
NCC StreetScape , the authorised distributor of GftK resin mortar jointing products for Britain and Ireland has announced the first tranche of free-to-attend GftK Training Workshops for 2020.

Following high demand for their free training dates in 2019, the first series of Workshop times, dates and locations around the country for Spring 2020 have been released and are now available for booking as follows:
- 12:30 for 1 pm start - Wednesday 29th January
London Stone Depot, Knockholt in Kent (TN17 4LJ)
- 08:30 for 9 am start - Thursday 30th January
Corkers Outdoor Living Depot, Paddock Wood in Kent (TN12 6SD)
- 12:30 for 1 pm start - Tuesday 4th February
NCC Scotland Depot, Bathgate in Scotland (EH48 2EN)
- 08.30 for 9 am start - Wednesday 5th February
J &J Currie Depot, Dumfries in Scotland (DG1 3PG)
Further dates and venues will be announced in the near future, so keep an eye out for a time and place that best suits you.

Product Manager for the VDW mortar, Carl Robinson, tells us,
These Training Workshops will give a practical introduction to the GftK VDW 800 Range of Paving Joint Mortars in a sensible time-frame for busy contractors and will include several live demonstrations of the application of GftK's state-of-the-art epoxy jointing mortars range including VDW 800, VDW 815plus and of course the market leading VDW 850plus.
Refreshments including tea, coffee and bacon butties will be available to all attendees, and it’s worth noting that as the GftK mortars can be applied in the cold and/or rain, the Training Workshops will definitely take place whatever the weather throws at them.
Carl continues,
Interest and demand for places is high and by confirmed invitation only, so if interested please message us ASAP to reserve your place. Please include your email address and confirm which date and venue you and any colleagues would like to attend and we will provide confirmation and full details by email. If easier you can email Paul Brookes in our head office, who will coordinate all of the details and answer any other questions. We look forward to seeing you soon! attended one of the workshops back in the autumn of 2019 and can confirm they are a useful addition for any paving contractor, landscaper or builder keen to understand better the benefits and advantages that come with using a high quality resin mortar system on their paving projects.
GftK are one of the leading manufacturers of resin jointing mortars and their manufacturing plant in Germany’s Rhineland supplies specialist mortars throughout Europe and beyond. The highly respected company consistently drives forward research and development of ever-better jointing and bedding mortars and is widely regarded as the leader in the field.
NCC StreetScape, as exclusive distributors for Britain and Ireland, carry extensive stocks of the jointing mortars and provide an unrivalled technical support service both pre- and after-sales, with dedicated team members specially trained in Germany and Britain to be experts in working with GftK mortars under all conditions. Take advantage of their expertise by attending one of these excellent Training Workshops.