Hard Landscaping Training Group Bulletin
I wrote to request an update from the alleged saviour of the paving industry, the Hard Landscaping Training Group (HLTG) on October 31st 2005. I wrote because I hadn't heard a peep out of them since a telephone conversation with the national co-ordinator during the summer, when much was promised, but nothing seemed to be delivered.
The following is the response I received a week ago, 10th February 2006. No apology for the 3½ month delay in replying; no request to promote the HLTG via this website; just a curt one-line covering email.
Normally, I like to 'improve' press releases and other info supplied by organisations submitting articles for possible inclusion in these News pages. I throw in a few images, amend and extend the text, and generally try to make it vaguely interesting, but other than munging an email address, I just can't be arsed with this. The HLTG have failed to keep this website updated with progress, and have spurned my offers of assistance, so why should I waste my time? They won't thank me for it!
I warned the National Co-ordinator and representatives from one of the sponsoring companies that I would be vociferous in my condemnation if I felt this training scheme was heading in the same way as all the other abandoned attempts that have done NOTHING for our industry, so they can't say they weren't warned!
So here is the very first "Bulletin" from the HLTG, reproduced exactly as it appeared in my inbox. As you'll notice, most of the dates mentioned have already passed, so its value is reduced even further. I'm sure all of you contractors that have been asking me for news about this scheme, which I first mentioned to you in July of last year, will be underwhelmed by what has happened to date. I publish this "Bulletin" verbatim in the hope that someone, anyone within the HLTG will wake up and realise what a bollocks this is turning out to be. There's a lot of interest amongst the contracting community in sourcing quality training, leading to nationally recognised accreditation and qualifications, but the HLTG seems to be focussed on its own navel and ignoring those in the trade that want to make a difference.

Try not to fall asleep....as ever your comments are welcome in The Brew Cabin discussion forum where a thread is up and running, but for those of you reluctant to sound off in public quite as vocally as I am wont to do, you can email your thoughts to me or give me a call and I promise to respect your anonymity.
Welcome to the first Bulletin from the Hard Landscape Training Group. This will be a quarterly update, containing items of interest to members. If anyone has anything they wish to contribute they are very welcome to let me have copy.
The Hard Landscape Training Group has been busy during the winter months with requests for Quotations for training and Training Courses taking place in various parts of the country. February promises to be a busy month as well with the following courses already booked.
Health & Safety Courses Manual Handling/Safe Lifting
6 th February in Chichester 14 th February at Sheffield
24 th at Astley, Greater Manchester 27 th and 28 th at Derby.
16 th at Kenilworth, Warwicks
27 th at Birmingham
The Bradstone/HLTG sponsored courses have, unfortunately have been delayed by Bradstone for several months, and apart from a pilot course held at Hull in October with another Instructor, the end of January saw the first full course held at the Aggregate Industries Quarry at Croft in Leicestershire. Due to the short notice we were only able to raise 5 trainees for that course, but those attending found it a very useful and enjoyable three days.
The only other course Bradstone has agreed to is due to be held on 21 st – 23 rd February, at the Bradstone/Aggregate Industries works at Hulland Ward, Derbyshire. We already have 7 trainees booked and hope for the full quota of 8 on this course! If you are interested in sending any staff please let me know immediately, as we only have the one place left. I can assure you it will be an enjoyable, very informative course – all for the nominal cost of £50 per trainee for the whole 3 days!
21-23 February, Bradstone/HLTG Block Paving, Hulland Ward, Derbys
I will be meeting with Bradstone in the near future and hopefully they will support further courses later in the year.
Many of the Training Group courses organised during the first months of activity have been mainly for companies who have booked most if not all the places for their staff.
I have attached a list of courses that are awaiting additional trainees to make them viable – if you are interested in taking any places on these courses please let me know as soon as possible.
Chainsaw – Basic Maintenance and Operation (Cross Cutting) 2 Days February Site at Warwick 3 places available. £180 per 2 day course per trainee.
Health & Safety Course at Astley, Gtr. Manchester on 24 th February several places available. £52 per trainee
Health & Safety Course at Kenilworth, Warwicks. On 16 th February several places available. £52 per trainee.
February/March Safe Use of Pesticides Training (PA1) Cost per Trainee £60
Safe use of Knapsacks (PA6). Cost per trainee £65 Midlands/North West
Manual Handling/Safe Lifting Courses available £POA
Block Paving Courses and Slabbing/Kerbing Courses can be organised to order.
The HLTG is a nationally based training group, and I think with the spread of courses we have carried out during the first months, has seen us delivering training to the various Regions. I am always pleased to hear of local venues that could be accessed for use for training courses.
The Chairman of the Training Group – Terry Pointer chaired his first meeting in November. This is one of the two Committees that oversee the activities /direction of the Training Group which, as well as organising short Training Courses will be responsible for working with the industry to improve the Hard Landscape Sector profile. The improvement of the NVQs Levels 2 and 3 for the Hard Landscape Sector is the first project the Committee are overseeing
The Contractor and Steering Committees have been working towards submission of an application to Lantra (who oversee the Qualification Standard for the Land Based Industries, for a specific Hard Landscape Sector NVQ Award).
The Committee have gone through all the Units contained in the full Amenity Horticulture NVQ levels 2 and 3 and have identified those Units that are relevant to the Hard Landscape Sector.
We now need the assistance of members of the Training Group to write to Lantra at Lantra House, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwicks. CV8 2LG. If the industry would like to see the establishment of the Hard Landscape Sector NVQ Award we must make Lantra agree to Incremental Change (which dispensation started on1.1.06) If the Contractors within the industry would like to see a change in Standard and Structure of the existing Amenity Horticulture NVQs to make them more applicable to this sector of the industry, member must lobby Lantra to undertake this. As soon as I hear the wording required for this letter I will put together a sample letter for you to use as a template to send to Lantra at the above address.
One of the issues the Committees will also be looking at will be the investigation of the Modern Apprenticeship Scheme for the Hard Landscape Sector. The Committees will be reviewing how it can be improved to encourage School and College leavers to recognise the Sector as a rewarding career.
A Full listing of the members of each of the Committees is included at the end of the Bulletin.
The Training Group now has in place a simple 1-page Website on
www.hardlandscapetraininggroup.co.uk . I have been in touch with the Business Initiative and may be eligible for funding as a new business based within the Staffordshire Moorlands Council area.
If successful this funding will be used to expand the pages of the Website to include more information on the Group and to have pages which can updated directly so the Training Group can use this to keep the HLTG News Bulletins up to date, and also include a live list of courses for members to access.
This is scheduled for Tuesday 11 th April. at 2pm.
Venue: BALI, Landscape House, Stoneleigh Park, Nr. Kenilworth, Warwicks.
Please come along and meet the other members, and let us have your thoughts and ideas for the development of the Training Group.
The two HLTG Committees are made up as follows:
Contractors Committee
Chairman: Terry Pointer, Tolly Paving Ltd
Vice Chair: Judy Behl, Scenic Blue Ltd
Peter Dunbavin, Azac Construction
Rod Tweedie, AEL Enterprises Ltd
Andrew Henderson, Andrew Henderson Ltd
Peter Smurthwaite, PBS Construction (North East) Ltd
Douglas Livingstone, McKean Group Ltd
Stuart Humphrey, Timotay Landscape Ltd
Paul Gaze, CITB-ConstructionSkills
Kath Walker, GTO
The following are proposed course dates, but additional dates will be arranged to suit individual companies. Dates are subject to change if insufficient numbers are booked onto the course to make it viable, or other unforeseen circumstances arise.
Manual Handling / Safe Lifting Abrasive Wheels
Thursday 19 th January Friday 24 th February
Thursday 26 th January, Brighton Wednesday 22 nd March
Friday 27 th January, Gloucester Thursday 23 rd March
Friday 24 th February Friday 24 th March
Monday 27 th February, Derby Wednesday 17 th May
Tuesday 28 th February, Derby
Wednesday 1 st March
Wednesday 22 nd March
Thursday 23 rd March
Friday 24 th March
Thursday 18 th May
ROLO Health & Safety Emergency First Aid
Monday 16 th January, St. Andrews. Wednesday 18 th January
Tuesday 17 th January, St. Andrews Thursday 2 nd February
Monday 6 th February, Chichester Tuesday 21 st February
Thursday 16 th February, Kenilworth Thursday 30 March
Friday 24 th February, Astley, Gtr Manchester Monday 24 th April
Thursday 20 th April
Wednesday 17 th May
Know your Knotweed
Tuesday 17 th January, Kenilworth (Further courses if sufficient demand)
Pesticides Courses Bradstone Block Paving
Wednesday 18 th January Tuesday 24 th January – Day 1
Wednesday 25 th January Wednesday 25 th January – Day 2
Wednesday 22 nd February Thursday 26 th January – Day 3
Thursday 23 rd February Tuesday 21 st February – Day 1
Tuesday 14 th March Wednesday 22 nd February – Day 2
Wednesday 15 th March Thursday 2 3rd February – Day 3
Thursday 4 th May Additional Dates will be notified
Friday 5 th May
Chainsaw Courses Machinery & Tools:
Monday 13 th February FLT / Mowers / Brushcutters and Trimmers etc
Tuesday 14 th February Monday 30 th January
Tuesday 20 th June Friday 24 th February
Wednesday 21 st June Thursday 23 rd March
Monday 22 nd May
Drystone Walling Other Courses available
Monday 6 th March Catscan
Pruning / Plant Knowledge
Please ring if you have any comments, or contributions to the Bulletin, or if you need any information on any of the courses listed above or any other training requirements.