NCC to unveil jointing mortars at EWx
Since the publication of the updated BS7533:4 last year (regarded by many in the industry as first attempt at comedy by the BS committee) there's a been a resurgence of interest in jointing materials for pavements, as evidenced by the presence of every major manufacturer/distributor of these products at next week's External Works shindig at Birmingham's NEC (Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th). Although they are no strangers to the world of specialist construction materials, NCC Streetscape plan to use the event to officially unveil their new range of high-performance mortars from German market-leader, GftK.
NCC Streetscape are the hard landscaping division of NCC, the specialist construction materials consultants and distributors based in Chorley and Newcastle. NCC have been established for more than 30 years and are probably best known today as major distributors of Sika, Fosroc, Remmers and other specialist construction chemical products.
Germany leads the pavement mortar industry and when pacesetter manufacturers GftK were looking for a partner to handle the exclusive UK and RoI distribution of GftK Epoxy Pavement Jointing Mortars, they were delighted to find NCC willing to invest in the product range and make a long-term commitment to effective and reliable distribution throughout the territory.
GftK products are highly-respected in Germany due to their reliable performance and ongoing development. This commitment to engineering the best possible range of jointing mortars has resulted in them leading the frighteningly competitive German market, and in gaining an unblemished reputation in a large number of other countries throughout Europe.
They offer a full range of jointing materials suitable for all types of applications, from simple patios and driveways to extremely heavy-duty city centre and freight yard pavements, and in a variety of shades to suit the clients' needs.

Just some of the advantages offered by GftK Epoxy Pavement Jointing Mortars :-
- Work in low temperatures (from +3°C)
- Work in wet weather
- Work dust free
- Work ergonomically, i.e. standing up
- Work faster and opening pavements to traffic that much sooner
- Prevent mixing errors
- Apply 'Self Compacting' joints
- Prevent staining
- Greatly reduce cleaning work (at least 75%)
- Much less waste
- Much less waste water disposal and sediment run off
I should perhaps add that I witnessed these mortars being trialled on the day in January when the big storm lashed western Europe and, despite the weather doing its very best to make a mess of everything, the weatherproof version performed remarkably well and was totally unfazed by the torrential rain and the hurricane-force winds. If they can cope with that sort of weather, I felt sure they'd cope with anything!
A couple of photos I took during those weather-beaten trials....

GftK Epoxy Pavement Jointing Mortars are said to offer durable high performance with:-
- Cost effective jointing
- Permanently filled joints
- Full frost and de-icing salt resistance
- Full road sweeper resistance
- No weeds
- No boring insects (boring as in "mining" not as in "sending to sleep"!)
- Permeable and non-permeable options
- Extensive references and case studies (many with more than 10 years of constant trafficking)
If you'd like to learn more, and see the products for yourself, you're warmly invited to meet David MacKay, Gary Ken and Jürgen Glauer on Stand F12 at External Works. For those unable to get to Birmingham, contact NCC Streetscape on +44 (0)1257 266696 or Email NCC by clicking the link.
PS: Gftk = Gesellschaft für technische Kunststoffe mbH - aren't you glad you asked!