If you are a manufacturer, stockist/supplier or other trader in the paving, drainage and hard landscaping industry that isn't on our list, we will gladly arrange to review your site and add your contact details and web site when you complete and submit the form below. You should also refer to the Services page for details of other offers available to manufacturers and stockists.
We do not publish a Contractors' Links list currently, but those tradespersons interested in featuring on this site, should read the Contractors' Services page.
Only those sites offering quality and original content of benefit to the trade or DIYers will be awarded a free listing - no 'brochureware' sites will be included, as they only cause resentment at the wasted effort in logging on to watch a five minute flashy intro that hides an otherwise empty site.
A reciprocal link to pavingexpert is expected in return for a free link. Those unable or unwilling to provide a reciprocal link can still obtain a link to their site in return for a small annual maintenance fee.
A reciprocal link must include the name of the website in full (pavingexpert.com) along with the company logo graphic at a size not less than 240 pixels width.
Note: Due to abuse of the free service, link applications from Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) companies are no longer accepted. Any company or organisation requiring a link should apply directly by completing the form below. Applications via SEOs will be unceremoniously binned.
A single free listing on this site is given at the discretion of the webmaster whose decision is final. Sites are listed alphabetically within each category.
Two other types of link are available:
- Featured Sites pay a small annual fee to have their site(s) highlighted and/or placed at the top of the list.
- Sponsors help with the content of specific pages or subject areas and receive promotion and publicity in return.
Any of the above listings may appear as a 'Featured Site' at the top of a page. If you would like be considered as a 'Featured Site', please contact us for further details by using the form below.