Timber, Fencing, Sleepers & Decking
The timber products and accessories used within the hard-landscaping trade, along with their modern counterparts in concrete, plastics and composites are provided by these companies based in Britain and/or Ireland.
Please read carefully: Inclusion in this list does not imply any warranty or recommendation and is supplied for your information only. All registered trademarks duly acknowledged.
Unless stated otherwise, all telephone and fax numbers are for Britain and NI - RoI numbers are shown with a +353 international dialling prefix.

Cowley Stone and Sleepers are Britain's foremost provider of new and reclaimed rail sleepers and timber baulks.
New or reclaimed; Pine, Oak or Australian Jarrah; Engineering grade or softwood.
Cowley Stone and Sleepers have all grades ready for immediate despatch from our yard just 10 minutes from J31 on the M1.
Choose genuine quality from Britain's Best - Cowley Stone & Sleepers
Cowley Stone & Sleepers
Timber, Fencing, Sleepers & Decking
- Tel: 01909 772 302
- lisa@cowleystone.co.uk
- http://www.cowleystone.co.uk/
AH Gardens
Decking, Fencing, Gates and Pergolas
- Tel: 01489 796579
- Fax: 01489 796579
- info@ahgardens.co.uk
- http://www.ahgardens.co.uk/

Alpha Timber Imports
Timber and sleeper supplies
- Tel: 01223 370142
- Fax: 01223 370085
- sales@alphatimber.net
- http://www.alphatimber.net/

Decking system and sundries
- Tel: 0800 169 5275
- Fax: 01469 531867
- arbordeck@howarth-timber.co.uk
- http://www.arbordeck.co.uk/

Arch Timber Products Ltd.
Treated Timber Products
- Tel: 01977 714000
- Fax: 01977 714001
- infopoint@archtp.co.uk
- http://www.archtp.co.uk

Decking supplies
- Tel: 01427 616400
- Fax: 01427 615375
- info@archadeck.co.uk
- http://www.archadeck.co.uk/index.html

Decks Direct
Deck design and construction
- Tel: 01296 718620
- Fax: 01296 718621
- sales@decksdirect.co.uk
- http://www.decksdirect.co.uk//

GripDeck Ltd.
Anti-slip decking products
- Tel: 01206 242494
- james@gripdeck.co.uk
- http://www.gripdeck.co.uk

GripSure (UK) Ltd
Non slip timber decking
- Tel: 01726 844616
- mike@gripsure.co.uk
- http://www.gripsure.co.uk

Decorative Timber, Decking, Pergolas, Arbors, etc.
- Tel: 01502 718091
- Fax: 01502 718082

Jacksons Fencing
Timber and Fencing Products
- Tel: 01233 750393
- Fax: 01233 750403
- info@jacksons-fencing.co.uk
- http://www.jacksons-fencing.co.uk

Kayser UK
New and reclaimed sleeper supply
- Tel: 01302 888676
- Fax: 01302 888864
- info@kayserbuildingsupplies.co.uk
- http://www.kayserbuildingsupplies.co.uk/

Kilgraney Railway Sleeper
Sleeper supply specialist
- Tel: 0115 989 0445
- Fax: 0115 989 3366
- railwaysleepers@railwaysleeper.com
- http://www.railwaysleeper.com/

Decking and associated timber products
- Tel: 01992 578877
- Fax: 01992 561385
- sales@hoppings.co.uk
- http://www.qualitydecking.co.uk/

Richard Burbidge
Decking and Timber Supply
- Tel: 01691 655131
- Fax: 01691 657694
- info@richardburbidge.co.uk
- http://www.richardburbidge.co.uk/

Ridge Farm Sleepers
New and reclaimed sleepers and other timbers
- Tel: 01929 556222
- info@ridgefarm-sleepers.co.uk
- http://www.ridgefarm-sleepers.co.uk

Romsey Reclamation
Reclaimed sleeper supplier
- Tel: 01794 524174
- Fax: 01794 514344
- info@romseyreclamation.com
- http://www.romseyreclamation.com/

Rustic Touch
New and reclaimed oak timbers
- Tel: 01257 271173
- Fax: 01257 220498
- sales@rustictouch.co.uk
- http://www.rustictouch.co.uk

Salvage website with links to sleeper suppliers
- Tel: N/A
- http://www.salvo.co.uk/

Sleeper Supplies Ltd.
Sleeper supply specialist
- Tel: 0845 230 8866
- Fax: 0845 230 8877
- http://www.sleeper-supplies.co.uk/

Stephen Budgett Gardens
Decking and Garden Design
- Tel: 0208 372 6385
- steve@stephenbudgett.co.uk
- http://www.stephenbudgett.co.uk

Stewart Timber
Decking, fencing, play equipment and more
- Tel: 01236 727776
- Fax: 01236 780313
- tony@stewartfencing.co.uk
- http://www.stewartfencing.co.uk

Sun Decks
Deck Supply and Construction
- Tel: 01626 368299
- info@sundecks.co.uk
- http://www.sundecks.co.uk/

The Outdoor Deck Company
Timber and Decking Products
- Tel: 0181 876 8464
- Fax: 0181 878 8687
- http://www.coxwood.com/

The Timber Decking Association
Trade Association
- Tel: 01977 679812
- http://www.tda.org.uk

Timber Store (UK) Ltd.
Timber for landscaping
- Tel: 01803 872400
- Fax: 01803 874072
- sales@timberstoreuk.com
- http://www.timberstoreuk.com

Rail maintenance and sleeper supplier
- Tel: 01302 888 666
- Fax: 01302 888 777
- info@trackwork.co.uk
- http://www.trackwork.co.uk/rs.htm/

Tree Top Design
Decking and Garden Buildings
- Tel: 020 8643 7229
- Fax: 020 8643 7229
- bespoke.design@virgin.net
- http://www.treetopdesign.uk.com/

Waterproof vinyl decking and aluminum railings
- Tel: 01624 897015
- ultradek2003@yahoo.com
- http://www.ultradek.com/

Wood U Design
Decking tiles delivered nationwide
- Tel: 01702 480072
- webmaster@woodudesign.co.uk
- http://www.www.woodudesign.co.uk/