Clayware, plasticware and quite a few others, pipes, chambers, gullies, gratings and recess tray covers: all these and more are manufactured and distributed throughout Britain and Ireland by these companies.
Please read carefully: Inclusion in this list does not imply any warranty or recommendation and is supplied for your information only. All registered trademarks duly acknowledged.
Unless stated otherwise, all telephone and fax numbers are for Britain and NI - RoI numbers are shown with a +353 international dialling prefix.

Online Drainage and Plumbing supply experts with highly competitive prices and prompt delivery nationwide. Any plastic pipe or fittings for any application, generic or specific brand, Plastics Express will do their utmost to source the product for you. Dedicated to providing excellent service to both the Trade and DIY customers.
Web Offer: Enter offer code PAVE1 (in UPPER case!) when ordering and receive an exclusive 5% discount
Plastics Express
- Tel: 0800 561 0302
- sales@plastics-express.co.uk
- http://www.plastics-express.co.uk/
Supplier of septic tanks, treatment plants, separators, grease/silt traps, pump stations, cesspools, potable/storage tanks
- Tel: 01278 455655
- Fax: 05603 446613
- natasha@a-tanks.co.uk
- http://www.a-tanks.co.uk

Aco Technologies
Linear drains
- Tel: 01462 816666
- Fax: 01462 815895
- draintechnical@aco.co.uk
- http://www.aco.co.uk

Advanced Building Composites
Specialist suppliers of building, drainage and civils infrastructure products
- Tel: 0845 021 4731
- Fax: 01746 710 940
- dbone@abc-uk.com
- http://www.abc-uk.com

Surface Water Drainage Solutions including SUDS, Channels and Chambers
- Tel: 01603 488700
- Fax: 01603 488598
- sales@althon.co.uk
- http://www.althon.co.uk/

Alumasc Water Management Solutions
Proven water management incl. Alumasc Rainwater Gutters & Downpipes, Harmer Building Drainage and Gatic Civil Drainage
- Tel: 01744 648 400
- Fax: 01744 648 404
- info@alumascwms.co.uk
- http://www.alumascwms.co.uk

BC Profiles
Suppliers of underground drainage
- Tel: 01924 382112
- info@bcprofiles.co.uk
- http://www.bcprofiles.co.uk

Build PlumbPlastics Ltd
Online Plastic Drainage Suppliers
- Tel: 01206 572980
- Fax: 01206 572960
- info@plasticdrainage.co.uk
- http://www.plasticdrainage.co.uk/

Buildbase CivilsCooper Clarke (as was)
Drainage Stockists
- Tel: 01204 862222
- Fax: 01204 795296
- marketing@cooperclarke.co.uk
- http://www.cooperclarke.co.uk/

Building & Drainage Supplies
Supplier of underground drainage systems, water pipe, manhole covers, septic tanks/sewage treatment plants etc....
- Tel: 0116 201 9544
- liam@buildinganddrainage.co.uk
- http://www.buildinganddrainage.co.uk

Caroflow Ltd
Linear drains
- Tel: 01763 244446
- Fax: 01763 244111
- lee@caro.co.uk
- http://www.caro.co.uk

Channel Covers Ltd
Grids and Gratings
- Tel: 0247 660 4101
- Fax: 0247 638 3320
- enquiries@channelcovers.co.uk
- http://www.channelcovers.co.uk

Channel Gratings
All types of Channel Grating
- Tel: 02476 604101
- Fax: 02476 621622
- kevin@channelcovers.com
- http://www.channelgrating.com/

Cherry Drainage Pipes
High density PE land drainage, twinwall pipes and fittings
- Tel: 028 3885 3900
- Fax: 028 3885 3901
- sales@cherrypipes.com
- http://www.cherrypipes.com/

Cast Iron DrainageDevelop't Assoc
- Tel: 0121 693 9909
- ndharwar@wyatt-inter.co.uk
- http://www.cidda.com

Clark Drain
Manhole and Access covers, Recess Trays and Linear Drains
- Tel: 01733 765317
- Fax: 01733 246923
- sales@clark-steel.com
- http://www.clark-drain.com

Clearaway Drainage Services Ltd
Drain Clearance, Jetting, Surveys, Repairs, Relining
- Tel: 01923 265796
- Fax: 01923 267551
- david.davies@clearawaydrainage.co.uk
- http://www.clearawaydrainage.co.uk/

Clearwater plc
Septic tanks, cess poolswastewater systems
- Tel: 01278 425804
- Fax: 01278 453653
- information@clearwaterpolcon.co.uk
- http://www.clearwaterpolcon.co.uk

Conder Products Ltd
Septic TanksWastewater systems
- Tel: 023 8068 7100
- Fax: 023 8068 7101

CPM Group
Concrete Pipes, Manholes and Road Gullies
- Tel: 01179 812791
- Fax: 01179 814515
- sales@cpm-group.com
- http://www.cpm-group.com/

CV Buchan Ltd.
Concrete Pipes, Shafts, Tunnels and Caisson Rings
- Tel: 01606 818200
- Fax: 01606 818243
- sales@cvbuchan.co.uk
- http://www.cvbuchan.co.uk/

Drain Detectives
Expert services for blocked drains, cctv drain surveys and drain repairs in Kent, Surrey, Sussex & London
- Tel: 0800 357 9371
- info@draindetectives.co.uk
- https://draindetectives.co.uk/

Drainage Channel
Plastic and polymer concrete linear channels
- Tel: 01604 685140FreePhone:0800 085 4548
- sales@drainage-channel
- http://www.drainage-channel.co.uk

Durey Castings
Supply of Manhole Covers, Gully Grates, Bedding Mortars
- Tel: 01322 272424
- Fax: 01322 288073
- david@dureycastings.co.uk
- http://www.dureycastings.co.uk/

EBP Building Products Ltd
Channel Drainage & Pave-A-Drain™
Mini Profile Channel Drainage
Eco-Parking™ Ground Reinforcement,
Manhole Covers & Frames,
Polythene Membranes (DPM),
Builders Hessian & Gabion Baskets
- Tel: 01254 52244
- Fax: 01254 682371
- team@ebpbuilding.com
- https://ebpbuilding.com/

Elite PreCast
PCC drainage covers and channels, fence posts, gravel boards and more
- Tel: 01952 588885
- Fax: 01952 582011
- eliteprecast@btconnect.com
- http://www.eliteprecast.co.uk

Concrete pipes, chamber rings, cover slabs, road gullies, house inspection chambers, adjusting units, box culverts and concrete fence posts
- Tel: 01952 630300
- Fax: 01952 501537
- louise.chouhan-hodges@ennstoneproducts.co.uk
- http://www.ennstone.co.uk

Fabweld Steel Products Ltd
Access Covers and Recess Trays
- Tel: 01952 580132
- sales@manholes.co.uk
- http://www.manholes.co.uk

Flex-SealCouplings Ltd
Adaptor couplings
- Tel: 01226 340888
- Fax: 01226 340999
- marketing@flexseal.co.uk
- http://www.flexseal.co.uk/

Geosynthetics Ltd
Sustainable Drainage Systems, NordrainV and Geostorm, Fin Drains
- Tel: 01455 617139
- Fax: 01455 617140
- info@geosyn.co.uk
- http://www.geosyn.co.uk

Recyfix, FaserFix and Kaskade Linear Drains
- Tel: 01582 501380
- Fax: 01582 501399
- sales@hauraton.co.uk
- http://www.hauraton.co.uk

Clay and uPVC Drainage manufacturers
- Tel: 01226 763561
- Fax: 01226 764827
- info@hepworth.co.uk
- http://www.hepworth.co.uk/

Stormwater and attenuation systems
- Tel: 01275 878371
- Fax: 01275 874979
- enquiries@hydro-international.co.uk
- http://www.hydro-international.biz/

Johnston Pipes Ltd.
Concrete and GRP Pipes
- Tel: 01952 630 300
- Fax: 01952 501 537
- enquiries@johnston-pipes.co.uk
- http://www.johnston-pipes.co.uk/

Manhole Covers Ltd.
Drainage Ironwork and online shop for DIY and small contractors
- Tel: 01296 632775
- Fax: 01296 632799
- http://www.manholecovers.com/

Marley Extrusions
uPVC drainage
- Tel: 01622 858888
- Fax: 01622 858725

MeasurIT Technologies Ltd
Official UK distributor & stockist of Tideflex duckbill valves and related products
- Tel: 0151 324 0021
- Fax: 0151 808 0631
- : geraldine.swanepoel@www.measurit.com
- http://www.measurit.com/

Milton Pipes Ltd.
Concrete pipesand manholes
- Tel: 01795 425191
- Fax: 01795 478232

MTM Drains & Maintenance
Septic Tank, Sewage Treatment Plant and Soakaway Installation and Maintenance
- Tel: 01227 772019
- enquiries@mtmdrains.co.uk
- http://www.mtmdrains.co.uk/

Naylor Bros. (Clayware) Ltd.
Clayware Drainage
- Tel: 01226 790591
- Fax: 01226 790531
- sales@naylor.co.uk
- http://www.naylor.co.uk/

No. 1 Wholesale Drainage
Wholesale supplier of building plastics, underground drainage
- Tel: 079 05 247 295
- sales@no1wholesaledrainage.co.uk
- http://www.no1wholesaledrainage.co.uk/

Peter Savage Ltd.
Manhole & Drain Covers, Channel Drainage, Geotextiles, Street Furniture
- Tel: 024 7664 1777
- Fax: 024 7637 5250
- dean.boyce@peter-savage.co.uk
- http://www.Peter-Savage.co.uk

Pipex Ltd.
Supply, design & build corrosion resistant manholes, pipes and related structures
- Tel: 01884 255 405
- Fax: 01884 253285
- sales@pipex.ltd.uk
- http://www.pipex.ltd.uk/

Plastics Express
Online supply of plastic drainage and plumbing systems
- Tel: 0800 561 0302
- Fax: 0800 561 0305
- sales@plastics-express.co.uk
- http://www.plastics-express.co.uk/

Polypipe Civils Ltd.
Plastic drainage and ducting
- Tel: 01509 615100
- Fax: 01509 610215
- info@polypipecivils.co.uk
- http://www.polypipecivils.co.uk

R&B ConstructionSupplies Ltd.
Access Covers and Gratings
- Tel: 01952 580554
- Fax: 01952 580527
- stuart.young@randb-uk.com
- http://www.randb-uk.com

RDTChamber Solutions
Utility covers, drainage and ducting systems
- Tel: 01746 767260
- Fax: 01746 768205
- info@rdtchambersolutions.com
- http://www.rdtchambersolutions.com

Salmor Industries Ltd.
Steel recess tray covers
- Tel: 028 406 62414
- Fax: 028 406 28824
- sales@salmor.co.uk
- http://www.salmor.co.uk

Septic Tank/Cess Pit FAQ
Septic tanks and cess pits
Southern Drainage Services
Septic tanks, sewage treatment, soakaways and drainage in Southern England
- Tel: 01425 653 889
- http://www.southerndrainage.com/

Sports Drainage
Specialist Land Drainage Contractors for the agricultural and sports turf industries
- Tel: 01926 651540
- info@sportsdrainage.co.uk
- http://www.sportsdrainage.co.uk

St. Gobain PAM
Ductile and Cast Iron drainage products
- Tel: 0115 930 5000
- Fax: 0115 932 9513
- sales.uk.pam@saint-gobain.com
- http://www.saint-gobain-pam.co.uk/

Stanton Bonna
Concrete and GRP Drainage
- Tel: 0115 944 1448
- Fax: 0115 944 1466
- info@stanton-bonna.co.uk
- http://www.stanton-bonna.co.uk/

Suds Solutions
Sustainable drainage specialists. State-of-the-art rainwater harvesting and "RainCycle" a hydraulic and whole-life costing software package

Geo-membranes anddrainage composites
- Tel: 01495 757722
- Fax: 01495 762383
- info@terram.co.uk
- http://www.terram.co.uk

Wade International Limited
Drainage Products
- Tel: 01787 475151
- Fax: 01787 475579
- tech@wadedrainage.co.uk
- http://www.wadedrainage.co.uk

UPVC drainage systems
- Tel: 01249 766 600
- Fax: 01249 443 286
- sales@osma.co.uk
- http://www.osma.co.uk

WebCom Systems Limited
Soakaway Design Software
- Tel: 01259 763848
- info@webcomsystems.co.uk
- http://www.webcomsystems.co.uk

Wunder Covers
Recess Tray Covers in N. America and New Zealand
- Tel: (+01) 775 400 2883
- info@wundercovers.com
- http://www.www.wundercovers.com

Zurn Industries
Linear Drains
- Tel: 01271 864210
- Fax: 01271 865987